
Start by importing atlascorr.


usage: atlascorr [-h] --deriv-pipeline DERIV_PIPELINE [--atlas-img ATLAS_IMG]
                 --atlas-lut ATLAS_LUT [--confounds CONFOUNDS [CONFOUNDS ...]]
                 [--participant_label PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL ...]]
                 [--hp HP] [--lp LP] [--variant VARIANT] [--run RUN]
                 [--session SESSION] [--task TASK]

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: participant, group

run participant level analysis, or aggregate group level results

Named Arguments

--deriv-pipeline, -d
 input derivative directory (e.g. fmriprep). I assume the inputs are in MNI space.
--atlas-img, -a
 input atlas nifti
--atlas-lut, -l
 atlas look up table formatted with the columns: index, regions
--confounds, -c
 names of confounds to be included in analysis
--participant_label, --participant-label
 one or more participant identifiers with the sub- prefix removed
--hp highpass filter to apply to the data
--lp lowpass filter to apply to the data
--variant only analyze files with a specific variant label
--run only analyze files with a specific run label
--session only analyze files with a specific session label
--task only analyze files with a specific task label